Children's Stop Animation (2 – 8yrs) 5-Day Session (M-F, 9:30-10:15)

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Children's Stop Animation (2 – 8yrs) 5-Day Session (M-F, 9:30-10:15)


BRING YOUR FAVORITE TOY and let's make a movie!

September 11 - 15 (5-Day Session, Mon - Fri)

Ever wondered how Lego Batman was created or Gumby, an oldy but a goody! lol Join our Stop Animation class and find out! Behind every great film, there must be a few elements present, backgrounds, characters, a story/plot and movement. Learn how to create all 4 of these animation elements through a hands-on class experience! Yes, little artists are especially welcomed to create their own animations Warning! This class is addicting and may cause you to spend hours of home time, perfecting your film, if you wish! :D This class will culminate into a children's community viewing premiere of their work. So invite family and friends and if you're working , no worries, we will send you your child's film so that you can have their little masterpiece to share with loved ones!

There will be 1 teaching artists for every 2-4 students. :)


What should I wear to class?

Be sure to remember all of our classes are very fun, but can also be messy, so think old clothes and crocs/rubber shoes! We will provide the smocks for you! :)

What happens to classes during inclement weather?

We will follow the New York City Public School's schedule. If schools are closed, the The Art Table Studio will be closed. If schools are delayed then we are delayed. For further updates, always check our website, as we may be open for a fun snow day in the studio!

I can't make my class, what do we do? Refunds Policy.

We get it! Life happens, right! :) No worries, we understand. Although we do not offer refunds for missed classes, we are happy to schedule a make-up class during the same week. If you need to miss a class, please call us prior to the start of the scheduled class.

If you missed a class without calling us, we're sorry, but we won't be able to make that class up.

For withdrawals, after the 1st class, you'll be issued a prorated studio credit so you can used it anytime during the next 12 months!

I want to attend and would like to pay cash. Do you accept cash payments?

Yes! This has been a recent request of parents, so we have create a way for you to still register online (Select Cash Payment) and then complete the form. So make sure we have enough materials for all of our schedule artists, we will call you the day prior to your class to make sure you will be in attendance. We will receive your payment before the start of class on the day of class.