Summer Edouard, Creative Behavioral Specialist + Social Media Marketing Intern

Summer Edouard, Graduating Senior at Queens College - Major: Pscyhology

Summer Edouard, Graduating Senior at Queens College - Major: Pscyhology

Summer is a soon too be Spring 2018 graduate at Queens College with B.S in Psychology from Queens College. Her goal is to include art studies into her professional path giving basic information on mental health and create an amazing impact children's growth and development. Her mission is not only to create impact within the lives of children but to also having navigated through life creating meaningful relationships for a better society. Upon the successful completion of her graduate program in Mental Health Counseling, she wants to devote her first career as an art therapist to curate positive influence within younger generations.

"When the thought of my daily work-life comes up, I imagine myself being able to make a person feel comfortable and open and more relieved prior to our encounter. In art therapy the creative process allows one to artistically manage their feelings and behaviors which can exponentially improve self-confidence and awareness. The benefits that comes from being expressive in art starts a deeper understanding of your inner self which will aid in positive personal development and self discovery." - Summer